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Health & Safety measures 


Corfu Pelagos Hotel continues to operate with new, upgraded protection measures, in regards to the cleaning, hygiene, and disinfection protocols announced by the Ministry of Health, due to the COVID-19 global situation. The measures include:


  1. Training of all our employees on hygiene and cleaning issues.

  2. Regular cleaning and disinfection of hotel surfaces and areas.

  3. Installation of hand disinfection devices in prominent places in all common areas.

  4. Reduction of the capacity of restaurants by 1/3 so that the distances between the tables are preserved.

  5. Serving of breakfast and dinner directly to the customer's table, in order to avoid the use of shared utensils.

  6. Upgraded room service, following new procedures for ordering, delivering, and retrieving an order from a room.

  7. Immediate response in case of emergency cleaning.


At the same time, with the aim of ensuring the well-being of our visitors and maintaining a safe atmosphere in the hotel, we have established some accommodation suggestions for our guests, which we recommend following during their stay:


  1. In public areas such as the Reception and Restaurant, we recommend that visitors keep a distance of one and a half meters from each other. We will make sure that this is easily practiced with the help of distinct markings on the floor.

  2. Special hand sanitizers have been installed in all areas, which visitors can use when entering the building or even their room.


To ensure the health of our staff, we have taken the following measures:


  1. We keep a limited number of people working in the premises, in order to make it easier to keep social distancing.

  2. We have provided all the necessary protective equipment as a precaution.

  3. There is constant disinfection in all areas of the hotel, even in the areas not visited by the hotel guests.


We would like to assure you that we are closely monitoring all developments in relation to COVID-19 and carefully follow all official instructions from the relevant Ministries and government agencies. At the same time, we make sure that the experience of staying in our hotel is not affected at all, and we look forward to hosting you again this year in our small "house", always with a big smile on our faces!

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